Freelance Writing
“anitos no.3: supernova encounter,” Fruit Basket substack (2023)
“anitos no.2: in memory of me,” Fruit Basket substack (2023)
“anitos no.1: a kiss for the cresent moon,” Fruit Basket substack (2023)
“Ancestral Nourishment: An Exercise of the Imagination,” Buenezas - Edible Guide of Little Haiti (2022)
“River Dream,” Islandia Journal, Vol. 1 (2021) | read or listen to excerpts here.
“Nature is a Language: Ms. Shirley,” Park West Paper, Issue No. 3 (2021)
“Nature is a Language: Jorge Palacios,” Park West Paper, Issue No. 2 (2020)
“Nature is a Language: Katia and Gabi of Mother Earth Miami,” Park West Paper, Issue No. 1 (2020)
“Connecting to Spirit, Land and People,” Hella Pinay (2019)